HIFU Facelifting & Body Contouring
HIFU 4D ultra
About the machine...
Be one step ahead with the very latest HIFU technology, EM Diamond is the new generation HIFU, making it the most comfortable HIFU in the industry.
How HIFU works
“ HIFU " High Intensity Ultra Sound energy skips the epidermis layer, penetrating to the subcutaneous tissue leaving no damage or scarring to the top layer of the skin. It targets at the required depth of 1.5mm, 3mm or 4.5mm for skin tightening and up to 18mm for targeting fat. The energy which is delivered at around 65 degrees will produce a thermal effect to the dermal collagen fibres and and stimulates the SMAS and literally melts fat. The skin will be lifted and tightened, the fat will instantly melt and start to break down and be excreted from the body naturally. Some results will be seen instantly but with optimum results seen at 12 weeks post treatment when the collagen regeneration process effects can be noticed and the fat has left the body.
This treatment can target various depths of the body’s tissue for skin tightening’ skin lifting and body contouring, Entirely Non invasive.
HIFU works by targeting deep layers in the skin, it boosts new collagen production and collagen regeneration right at the source. The HIFU face lift is quick, painless, Non invasive with zero down time.
• Exclusive HIFU provides painless treatment, with excellent visible results.
• Fast treatment time can treat full face and neck in 60 minutes.
• Access to 7 additional treatments such as HIFU face, HIFU body, Vaginal tightening, Radio frequency, Vmax facial, Scaring treatment and hair loss treatment.
• HIFU fat reduction, lose 2cm of fat instantly on your body with our new advanced technology and focal depth.
HIFU can also be used to melt areas of fat in the face and body. This works by ablating subcutaneous adipose tissue and causing molecular vibrations that increase the temperature of local tissue and induce rapid cell necrosis.